Tribulus Terrestris Bodybuilding Supplement Review
Tribulus terrestris, also known as "puncture vine", is a perennial trailing plant found widely on many continents and has long been used (e.g. Ayurveda, Ancient Greek, Traditional Chinese Medicine) for the treatment of many different health concerns. In more recent times several steroidal saponins have been identified as the bioactive constituents responsible for anabolic and aphrodisiac effects. Many experts believe that these saponins (of which protodioscin is the primary constituent) enable the body to produce more testosterone by raising the levels of the Luteinizing Hormone (LH). This hormone released normally by the pituitary gland helps to maintain testosterone production. As the Luteinizing Hormone increases, so do testosterone levels. These effects have been shown in both animal and human clinical trials whereby Tribulus terrestris promoted increased sperm production, increased sexual activity, increased fertility, improved libido and aided men suffering from a wide range of reproductive disorders. In addition there were no observable side effects. There were demonstrated reduced blood cholesterol levels, improved mood and increased self-confidence.
See Wright, J. Muscle and Fitness, September, 140-142, 224 (1996); Tomova, M. Farmazia, 37, 40-42 (1987); Pramodkumar et al., J. Sci. Res. Plants Med., 1:9 (1980)
Tribulusis a truly unique product, some of the benefits of Tribulus terrestris are:
Supports the body's production of testosterone
Enhances muscle strength, growth and recovery
Increases energy level
Promotes heathy sexual function
No toxicity or side effects
One of Tribulus many benefits is as a bodybuilding supplement. The steroidal saponins in Tribulus terrestris serve as an alternative to anabolic steroids and can serve as a safe bodybuilding aid.
For the best supplement containing tribulus terrestris checkout Andro Shock.