Competitive Bodybuilding Training
These days there are more and more bodybuilders
opting to stay lean year-round, and rightfully so. The days of "0" carb diets
and carb loading are a thing of the past. Experts are in agreement that the more
drastic the change in pre-contest diet, the more likely the body is to act
adversely. The body has survival mechanisms. These mechanisms are triggered most
readily by abrupt changes in the diet. For instance, with strict low calorie
pre-contest dieting, the body is no longer being provided with enough food to
alone fuel its activities (negative energy balance). Under these dietary
conditions, the body is faced with no alternative but to use its own tissues for
the balance of energy needed to make up the difference between calories
ingested, and energy expended.
It is a well known fact that the body tends to horde fat during periods of
starvation, and extended pre-contest dieting is viewed by the body as
starvation. As a result, the body will naturally prefer to cannibalize muscle
tissue while sparing survival fat stores. From this point on, in your contest
preparation, you will be constantly battling your body's natural survival
mechanism by attempting to retain your hard earned muscle tissue while burning
fat stores. This is one battle your body will usually win, especially if you are
"natural". How many times have you heard a hard dieting, contest ready
bodybuilder, claim disappointment with his/her excessive muscle loss? Plenty of
times I'm sure. If there's one thing I get sick of hearing bodybuilders say,
it's "I'm dieting for a show". The key to successful contest preparation is not
to diet at all! Maintaining a consistent non-restrictive caloric intake, making
the appropriate and timely pre-contest training alterations, and having access
to a reliable body composition testing device, are the real tools for successful
contest preparation.
Comparison of pre-contest dieting to pre-contest training for fat loss
First of all, stay as lean as possible in the off-season. This will eliminate
the need for drastic caloric reduction resulting in pre-contest starvation and
consequent muscle tissue loss. In staying leaner year-round, you will require
only some "fine tuning" to maximize lean weight while minimizing bodyfat for a
show. This fine tuning can take the form of dieting or increasing energy
expenditures. You can either take food away from the muscles and hope it doesn't
cannibalize itself, or you can leave the diet alone and simply force the muscles
to perform more work. In either case you are causing a net loss of energy. In
performing more work however, the muscle energy expended must be replaced using
fats for fuel! This energy replacement becomes a priority to the body taking
precedence even over the survival storage of fat during starvation. Also,
further muscle growth and adaptation may even result from the performance of
this additional work. In the case of dieting, however, not only is the energy
simply lost, there is an inherent risk of substantial muscle loss. As you can
see, there is a lot to be said for choosing "active" fat loss over "dietary" fat
Once you target a show, you will need to go through a transition phase in your
off-season weight gain diet. This dietary transition can be accomplished with
the help of body composition testing. Estimating your lean weight and fat weight
is essential at this point. Among other things, this initial body composition
test will help you establish a dietary baseline. There is no margin for error
while performing body composition tests for re-evaluation purposes. Make no
mistake, it is the ability to accurately monitor changes in body composition
that makes this whole process work. The tests must be performed in exactly the
same manner, with the same testing device, and at exactly the same anatomical
sites. Using this initial bodyfat estimation, drop your caloric intake somewhat
from your off-season weight gain diet and level off at a maintenance intake. For
the next few weeks your training and diet must not vary in the slightest.
While on the above disciplined diet and training program, continue to monitor
your total weight and body composition until they have leveled off. This is the
"priming plateau". From here on in it's a step by step process. Record your
weight and body composition accurately at this time. Now it is time to add to
your heavy off-season training routine. Add 1 set of 20-25 reps to every
movement, for every muscle group, in every workout. After 1 week, once again
accurately test your body composition. Your lean weight will increase, your
bodyfat percentage will decrease, and your fat weight will decrease. Record this
1 week increase in your lean weight at this time. Note - The only altered
variable responsible for the lean weight change during this 1 week period was
the addition of this 1 set of 20-25 reps in all of your movements.
Don't get a big head yet, your composition will change for the worse soon
enough. Upon weekly re-evaluation, if your lean weight continues to increase,
and your bodyfat percentage and fat weight are both still decreasing, continue
to add additional sets of 20-25 rep sets at the same rate of 1 per week. Note -
It is essential to record your lean weight when it is at its peak. At this point
you should be looking pretty good, but you're still not out of the woods yet.
Eventually your body composition test will reflect a lean weight decrease, a
bodyfat percentage increase, and a slowed fat weight loss. Don't get alarmed,
everything is fine. This simply means that your current bodyfat is so low that
it cannot provide enough fuel to completely refill depleted muscles at the
current training volume. You will begin to look a little flat, and your 20-25
rep sets will start to become more difficult to complete. Maintain this high
training volume until your fat weight is satisfactory through continued, more
frequent body composition testing. When satisfied with fat levels, record your
lean weight. It should be at its lowest at this time. Remember the lean weight
increase you recorded when you added those very first sets of 20-25 reps? Let's
say this amounted to a 1 pound lean weight increase in 1 week. If the addition
of this 1 set over a 1 week period resulted in a 1 pound change in lean weight,
then to now take away this same 1 set over a 1 week period will also result in
an equal change of 1 pound in 1 week. To be specific, every 20-25 rep set you
now drop from your current high volume pre-contest training program will result
in a weekly increase in lean weight of 1 pound. How many sets should you drop?
Remember earlier recording your peak lean weight? This is the lean weight you
will be shooting for. The difference between your peek lean weight and your
current lean weight directly reflects the number of sets you should drop. Refer
to the following examples:
peak (lw) = 200 lbs.
ending (lw) = 196 lbs.
1 wk (lw) change/set = 1lb.
add 4 lbs. to (lw) in 1 week by dropping 4 sets 20-25 reps
add 4 lbs. to (lw) in 2 weeks by dropping 2 sets 20-25 reps
add 4 lbs. to (lw) in 4 weeks by
dropping 1 set 20-25 reps
As you can see, this process requires a tremendous amount of discipline but it
offers scientific objectivity. As a reminder, these are independently
researched, tried and proven principles. This may be a little to much to try to
digest all at once. So, read this material at least twice for greater
comprehension. Take the guess work out of your pre-contest training, and don't
ever diet for a contest again!
Competitive Bodybuilding Training
Disclaimer: This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Consult with a physician prior to use. Individual results may vary. Not for use by individuals under 21 years of age.