How to Get Motivated for Bodybuilding
Motivation when bodybuilding is everything as it is an extreme sport that can only be driven by passion. Without the deep abiding passion for what you want to achieve in bodybuilding you will not have any success when doing this sport, even if you never land up competing you will always have very limited success without passion for what you are doing.
Motivation to go beyond the normal borders of pain and strength comes from deep inside us and the only way that is going to be achieved is with passion. But passion is not just simply the need to achieve a specific goal or lift a specific weight, it is the all-consuming deep seated desire to go beyond excellence and perfection.
Doing a stock check on what your motivation is when you are a bodybuilder is always a good thing to do. Knowing what your incentive is to pump iron can be an extremely powerful motivating force, that is always constructive and motivating you to go a little bit farther today than you went yesterday.
According to the great Dr. Squat (Fred Hatfield) who has been training bodybuilders to gain strength for over 50 years, motivation starts with setting specific goals that are measurable and achievable. He sets these up is a very specific order where he says the setting of realistic goals on a short-term basis from workout to workout is vitally important for continued motivation.
The setting of these short-term goals is a part of what the overall long-term objective is, always allowing for inevitable setbacks that retard this measured progress. These setbacks are opportunities to learn which will result in a setback turning into something positive and motivating.
Setting up a specific training schedule that will make pain and fatigue work in your favor so that it can continue to motivate you knowing that you are another step closer to achieving your goal. Reaching just a little bit farther and constantly challenging yourself when you train is the development of self-awareness that is also motivating you to continue.
There are many different ways that you can use many types of external motivating factors to help your training. From watching tough bodybuilding workout videos to listening to motivating music while you train are only aids that may help but will never replace the internal abiding passion that you have deep inside that pushes you farther each time you train.
I also highly recommend you read the book Dianetics, by L. Ron Hubbard.