Women Building Their Bodies
For many people, the image that comes to mind upon hearing the phrase "bodybuilding for women" is pretty extreme. But here we're not speaking of women who's bodies are covered with bulky muscles from head to toe so that you can hardly tell she's not a he.
Women's bodybuilding is about exercising for the purpose of being fit and having a beautifully sculpted physique. It's a great way to lower your fat-to-muscle ratio and lose unwanted pounds while staying healthy at the same time, by focusing on weight training along with some light aerobic type activity. If you'd like to achieve and maintain an image in the mirror that fills you with pride and satisfaction, bodybuilding just may be for you.
A woman's body isn't able to build muscular tissue as a man's body can while undertaking an exercise program. Women's bodies don't produce as great a quantity of the male hormone called testosterone. It's this hormone which helps build muscle tissue, therefore a woman doesn't build in the same manner as a man does, unless she uses testosterone supplementation.
However, a woman can adhere to the same basic principles as a man when she's planning out her exercise routine. She needs to achieve balance in her exercise program, by working each of the body's muscle groups a minimum of once weekly. Concentrate on flexing your muscles so as to get as much benefit as you can from the resistance provided by the weightlifting.
Working out intensely is useful at times, because it makes you strong and energetic enough to get to the next level, through momentum. Stairs machines or treadmills can be good to use two times weekly or more. If you get to the point where you start sweating, that's more than enough. Take a break from training on weights whenever you feel like doing so. Never push yourself to do more than you're really comfortable with. You should feel great after a good workout, not more tired! You may find you want to lift weights every other day, or three days weekly. Experiment and find what's right for you.
Adhere to a stringent dietary program too. Don't neglect to eat a sufficient quantity of food, but do avoid junk foods or anything else that detracts from your health instead of contributing to it. Get plenty of good fats, carbs, and high quality proteins, and cut out the sugary sweets. Be sure to stay hydrated.
Bodybuilding for women is becoming more popular as women begin to take notice of what it can do for their appearance. Competitions for women are also rising in popularity. Give your all when striving to make your dreams come true, but also use good sense. Safety always comes first and there's really never any point in taking chances or doing anything risky. Above all else, be sure to have fun while you're at it!